Evangelicals – mainstream and maverick

Evangelicalism-580x308I was having a conversation with a mainstream evangelical church leader the other day who knows of my concern about the abuse that takes place within this culture. He found it very difficult to understand why I should focus on the evangelical world when there is so much material about abuse emerging from Roman Catholic sources and indeed all strands of the church. In many ways he had a valid point to make. I found it initially difficult to marshal my thoughts in responding to the concern of an honourable evangelical. In this particular case he is one concerned for social justice as well as the traditional task of bringing people into a relationship with God. The problem that I was trying to articulate and which he was unable to grasp, was that however many honest evangelicals exist in the world, there are many others who are not so honourable. They use the same turns of phrase and the same traditional theological ideas but somehow they create something which is often grotesque and unworthy of the name of Christian. A respect and love for the Bible can indeed be something which is life changing and may allow an individual to make a new beginning in discovering what his life is for. Equally the same apparent respect for the Bible in the hands of a manipulative person can drag an individual, especially a woman, into a life where they end up in effective bondage to a powerful and corrupt charismatic leader. The promise that Christianity is a way to a full life has delivered a form of slavery. This blog has given many examples of the corrupt version of the evangelical message. A love of power and money seems to motivate far too many Christian leaders who preach from the orthodox evangelical hymn book. It is this corruption of evangelicalism that is a the heart of this blog’s concern, not the word itself.

In this blog post I want to summarise the areas where the mainstream evangelical message sometimes becomes corrupted and distorted through the selfish and power seeking activities of certain types of Christian leader. I repeat once more that I am not making a condemnation of one particular tradition within the Christian church, even if I do in fact have queries about the theology that is being preached. It is one thing to disagree with the theological position of another person. That is almost inevitable when we live in a world of a variety of thinking, different historical backgrounds and the sheer variety in people’s psychological make up. What I do object to is when I see human exploitation of the vulnerable and weak by people who use the Christian message with which to do it. If I have any criticism of mainstream respectable evangelical church people it is in their blindness to all the things that are done by people who claim to belong to the evangelical camp. Superficially these latter preach the same message as the mainstream but in fact are verging on the evil in the devastation that the actions sometimes cause.

One particular area of activity in which evangelicals of all kinds seem to excel is in the conduct of worship and music. At its best this worship helps people to have a lively sense of God’s presence. At its worst, as I have written in past blog posts, the style of music offered is a form of seduction to draw people into the building, particularly the young, and encourage them to have a good time. It could be claimed that the style of music on offer at some churches is a bit like a night club or a party. No doubt people enjoy themselves in this carnival atmosphere and there is a release of inhibition and a flow of goodwill engendered through the loud music on offer. The party atmosphere is particularly striking in many black led churches. Here the women are encouraged to dance and, in their wild gyrations, there seems to be an element of sexual exhibitionism present. The dominant part that deafening music plays in the worship of many free and independent churches means that these congregations are not encouraged towards reflective contemplation of spiritual things. Such music, if I can be bold, also completely destroys the possibility of any kind of intelligent appreciation of what is going on in other areas of worship. There is thus a considerable gap to be found between these ‘noisy’ churches and others, evangelical or otherwise, where there is an emphasis on good preaching and intelligent understanding of the Bible and the Christian message. In one church there is a mind blowing cacophony of sound. In the other there is stillness, reflection and silence. It is not hard to imagine a considerable gap of understanding and communication between the two.

The next area of behaviour which separates out what I want to call the parasitic evangelical churches is in the area of money and financial wealth. It would not be an exaggeration to say that many independent church leaders seem to be obsessed with wealth and high status. The first sign of this is the importance given to acquisition of wealth and prosperity for the minister personally. This is justified as a sign and an exemplar of God’s blessing on him. ‘Health and wealth’ teaching will require an aggressive teaching of those passages in the Bible which refer to tithing. A congregation of 200 people all giving 10% of their pre-tax income will produce considerable sums of money. This will allow, as in the case of Peniel Church Brentwood, the ministers to be paid obscene amounts of money. A second related part of the corrupting effect of wealth is to purchase or build magnificent church plant. This will involve sometimes the raising of millions of pounds. When a church spends large sums of money on itself, one has to ask whether there is comparable concern for the social needs of the area around them. From time to time I look at the websites of independent churches to see what activities they are involved in. It is quite clear that many ministers value their ministry by the magnificence of the buildings which they occupy. These buildings thus often seem to become monuments to human hubris. They are massively expensive to heat and maintain. It is also not easy to justify their existence when the space within them is not being used to its full extent or shared with the wider community.

I am sure that there are many good evangelical churches who do not corrupt their people by the excessive noise of mind-numbing music and sound or demanding huge sums of money from those who attend. But to these uncorrupted churches I would ask one thing. Do they not know how quickly and easily a similar message to the one that is being preached in their building has been allowed to become something tawdry, cheap and corrupt in a church down the road? The same message of eternal salvation has been subtly twisted and polluted by another minister who, superficially at any rate, is saying all the right things. At the same time he is clearly concerned not with the glory of God but with his own gratification, his power and his material advantage. Both the good church and the bad church share the title ‘evangelical’. I call upon the good evangelical church to name and perhaps shame the institution that brings the word ‘evangelical’ into ill repute among those of us who do not identify with this description of their religious identity. Perhaps I can go further and say that the word ‘Christian’ is also being brought into ill repute by those who exploit others and enrich themselves with the tools of preaching and church leadership.

I want to finish by repeating the point made above. It is not the word evangelical that is the cause of a problem. It is the use of the word and its style and culture by certain maverick ministers and congregations that create a huge problem. If mainstream respectable evangelicals want to use the word and hold onto it as a word of dignity and integrity, then they must be prepared to own up to and critique what is done in the backyards of their culture.

About Stephen Parsons

Stephen is a retired Anglican priest living at present in Cumbria. He has taken a special interest in the issues around health and healing in the Church but also when the Church is a place of harm and abuse. He has published books on both these issues and is at present particularly interested in understanding how power works at every level in the Church. He is always interested in making contact with others who are concerned with these issues.

10 thoughts on “Evangelicals – mainstream and maverick

  1. Good stuff, Stephen. I appreciated it. Interestingly neither worship not money were things that Jesus focused on, according to the gospel record. He never raised the former (except with Satan in his temptation) and as regards the latter he told us we cannot serve both God and money, so the two practices you highlight are off centre according to the evangelical creed of Scripture being the thing. It is a time to get out priorities right, which were his priorities, it seems to me.

    1. Surely, worship is exactly what we should be doing! All the time. It isn’t synonymous with music.

      1. Jesus never asked his disciples to heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead, and spread the good news, as he did, but he never mentioned worship to them. We focus on the latter and ignore the former.

  2. Stephen is right to call this a “Huge” problem.”
    The Rogue fellowships go skipping off down the Primrose path to the land where everybody must nod their heads, or else get ministered to!

    It is to me utterly unbelievable that the hierarchy of the Church of England can be so blind to this?

    Under the Name “Evangelical” many, many people are being cloned and betrayed.

    1. The Church of England gets a fair amount wrong! But it isn’t in the majority as far as very noisy music and shall we say, extreme, evangelicalism is concerned.

  3. The point that is being made here is the abuse that takes place under the name of “Evangelical”. Some of these rogue fellowships have crept into the Church of England. Usually when a ‘Charismatic renewal’ takes place, it brings a lot more people into the building. This at first may seem a good thing to a young priest and even the local Bishop, as it did in the case at St Paul’s at Hainault under Rev Trevor Dearing. The end result was hundreds of broken devastated people leaving a “Healing service” not healed and acutely depressed.

    Other “Miracles” were claimed by the evangelist Don Double that never happened in reality.

    Along side all of this was the emergence of praise bands and the elevation of volume as opposed to silence and contemplation.

    Finally, I repeat, I know the people who regard these “Fellowships” as a disease you catch if you get to close.

    There is gross professional ignorance here.

    Words fail me now to express my utter frustration.


    1. I think it would depend whether you identify loud music as pointing to the whole system of abuse that can build up: narcissistic disorder and the like. If people don’t really, then they don’t look at the noisy places to see if there is abuse. Frankly, I wouldn’t worry too much about that. But I do worry that even if a casual observer would probably have alarm bells going off, loud music or not, the Bishop or whoever doesn’t see it. Now, that is indeed frustrating, Chris. How is Mary?

  4. Perhaps this is a good place to post a sonnet on the Good Shepherd which Malcolm Guite has just put on his website. Concern about abuse does seem to pop up here and there in places that are not explicitly dedicated to it. There is a brief reflection on the poem here: https://malcolmguite.wordpress.com/2016/04/15/the-good-shepherd-a-new-sonnet/

    When so much shepherding has gone so wrong,
    So many pastors hopelessly astray,
    The weak so often preyed on by the strong,
    So many bruised and broken on the way,
    The very name of shepherd seems besmeared,
    The fold and flock themselves are torn in half,
    The lambs we left to face all we have feared
    Are caught between the wasters and the wolf.

    Good Shepherd now your flock has need of you,
    One finds the fold and ninety-nine are lost
    Out in the darkness and the icy dew,
    And no one knows how long this night will last.
    Restore us; call us back to you by name,
    And by your life laid down, redeem our shame.

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