by Janet Fife

‘One day the whole creation will know the glorious liberty of the children of God.’
The liberty is like a person who gets up in the morning, with the sleep still in their eyes and in their mind, and drinks their first cup of coffee; it wakes up their whole body and makes it ready for the day.
The liberty is like a girl who passes her driving test, and finds a whole new world lies before her.
The liberty is like a boy who comes of age and votes for the first time, and shares responsibility for his government.
The liberty is like when a child grows up, leaves home, and finds their own home and career.
The liberty is like when a woman’s children leave home, and she has time to nurture herself and look for her own growth.
The liberty is like the factory worker who is made redundant, and invests all his redundancy money in a new business of his own.
The liberty is like the woman who has always listened to the opinions of others and tried to please them. She finds some friends who like her for herself, and gradually she begins to find her own voice.
The liberty is like the gay man who finds that God loves him just as he is.
The liberty is like the church that keeps an open table for refugees and same sex couples.
The liberty is like a man who puts on a suit and tie and makes a long journey in to work in a large company where he does as he is told. But in the evening he comes home, puts on comfortable clothes and is his own man.
The liberty is like the newspapers, which reveal corruption and dishonesty.
The liberty is like the person who could make a lot of money by selling their story to the press, but chooses not to because it would hurt the innocent.
The liberty is like the person who thinks they have no talents, and then finds something they are good at.
The liberty is like the GP who could set up her practice in a posh suburb, but decides instead to work in the inner city.
The liberty is like the survivor who feels able to tell her story and find support and acceptance.
The liberty is like the archbishop who puts justice before the church’s reputation.
The liberty is like the bishop who has the courage of her convictions and breaks ranks.
The liberty is like the vicar who tells the truth, knowing it will cost him promotion.
The liberty is like the MP who resists party pressure and votes according to her conscience.
The liberty is like the person who retires and could spend all his time pleasing himself, but decides to do voluntary work for a charity.
The liberty is…what do you think the liberty is?
Hello Stephen. About twenty years ago I suffered some church abuse and have seen some worrying, controlling situations as I continued my Christian journey.
I thought about devoting a website to those issues, but decided to write within my general website and then I discovered your ‘Surviving Church’ – such a good title.
I have added some of your content to my article: ‘Christian code of conduct – unwritten behaviour’ and have put a reference to the web page: ‘Ostracism and Church’
I hope this message gets out to as many people as possible, thanks.