By Anon
Secrets and Lies is a 1996 drama film written and directed by Mike Leigh. The running themes include class, betrayal, ethnicity, sight (yes, there is even an optometrist in the movie, to underline the irony), cover-ups, abuse, and the eventual emergence of truth. When it all comes out, there is a day of reckoning. There has to be.
We know that the Church of England’s hierarchy – and by that, we mean Lambeth Palace and the Archbishops’ Council – are secretive and deceptive, unaccountable and unregulated. A rummage through the General Synod papers over the last five years surfaces more than ten requests for a Conflicts of Interest Policy to be produced, and a Register of Interests to be established that Synod members can inspect.
Jamie Harrison, Chair of the House of Laity, a member of General Synod, and on Archbishops’ Council, has gone so far as to say there are such things – many of them – but “I don’t have them on me at the moment” (to sounds of muted laughter in the Synod chamber).
Is Harrison telling the truth here? Do they exist at all? The Archbishop of York and William Nye, Secretary-General of the Archbishops’ Council, keep claiming they are a “work in progress”. So, they don’t exist. But if they did, you cannot see them anyway. They are secret.
We ask who gains from this secrecy, and what is it that is being hidden? The amount of money spent on and by Church of England lawyers on and by Winckworth Sherwood is one secret. The law firm has juicy contracts with a quarter of CofE dioceses and has an unbroken relationship with Lambeth Palace going back over half a century. That is a tremendous amount of money going to one law firm. We don’t know how much, because William Nye tells Parliament and Synod that it is far too difficult to calculate. Nye is the CEO of this charity.
Questions to General Synod and the Registrar of the Southern Province (Darren Oliver, a Partner of Winckworth Sherwood, and the Diocese of Oxford) will never get onto the General Synod’s agenda anyway. Why? Because the agenda was set by William Nye and had to be approved by Mr. Oliver. Trust, truth and transparency at General Synod? Ah, well, nice try.
A naturally curious person might ask what else is going on. Thankfully, the forthcoming edition of The Journal of Anglican Studies (JAS) is instructive. This is one of only two top international peer-reviewed academic journals studying Anglicanism. JAS (volume 22, issue 2) addresses the colossal crisis of trust and confidence over safeguarding in the Church of England.
The articles are top-notch, the journal is published by Cambridge University Press, and the editorial board is a veritable Who’s Who of scholars and academic experts on Anglicanism. Movingly, the special edition is dedicated to the memory and legacy of Dr. Alan Wilson, former bishop of Buckingham, who died suddenly earlier this year. Alan was a stalwart campaigner for truth and justice in safeguarding and one of the few CofE bishops—perhaps the only one—to ever explicitly side with victims of abuse and survivors.
If you don’t subscribe to JAS, it might be worthwhile for this edition alone. In it, we encounter a forensic analysis of current expenditure on CofE safeguarding, conservatively estimated at £50 million a year. Does this represent good value for money? No, but there is no point in posing the question to General Synod, as it will never make it through the Nye-traps and redacting process overseen by (drumroll, please) some of the principal beneficiaries of the expenditure.
JAS also offers readers a review article, several keynote articles, and an otherwise pathological deconstruction of the secrets, lies, coverups and corruption concealed from General Synod. But as we say, since the beneficiaries – in terms of finances, power and authority – set the agenda for Synod and control its operation, it is no wonder you’ll never be able to get to the truth. There is no transparency, accountability or external professional regulatory oversight. Synod is autocracy and theatre, not any kind of democracy. Gullible, supine General Synod members have no idea.
However, there is a somewhat more worrying aspect of the secrets and lies we think readers of Surviving Church need to be aware of, which is briefly raised in this edition of JAS. In the public domain, it is a fact that the oldest private dining club in London is called Nobody’s Friends. Founded in 1800, Nobody’s Friends is rooted in the High Church tradition, Conservative Party and Freemasonry. It draws its membership from senior clergy, senior ecclesiastical civil servants, church lawyers and other establishment members. Membership is 50-50 clergy-laity. Their motto is Pro Ecclesia et Rege – ‘for the Church and King’. Membership is around 200 persons.
A private dining club that regularly meets at Lambeth Palace is flush with ecclesiastical lawyers and has leading figures from the establishment, maybe above board. But what about the Freemasons?
We want to be clear that we don’t have a particular problem with Freemasonry – the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) to give its proper nomenclature. We just think there should be no secrets and lies behind the scenes at Lambeth Palace, Archbishops’ Council or in running General Synod. This seems especially important when a handful of law firms make colossal amounts of money out of the Church of England, and all attempts to ascertain how much is frequently obfuscated by the likely beneficiaries.
Nor do we know, for example, whether those heading up organisations such as Ineqe or Fear-Free, and also in receipt of valuable contracts from the Archbishops’ Council, are just good old friends and former colleagues of some of the most senior hierarchy in Lambeth Palace? Or, if there is more to these arrangements than meets the eye? Is there anything to the relationship between Sir Roger Singleton (ex-NST), Jim Gamble (Ineqe), the Lucy Faithfull Foundation and Donald Findlater? They all seem to be very closely connected. Can we be sure of their “independence”?
Ineqe’s contract with the Archbishops’ Council appears to specifically exclude the ‘Flying Bishops’ and those churches under their care. The Holy Trinity Brompton networks and Conservative Evangelical para-congregations also look to be exempt from the regular and proper safeguarding inspection, assessment and scrutiny processes. In other words, the parts of the Church of England that have perpetrated the most notorious cases of abuse are exempted from scrutiny by a contract drawn up – from inside Lambeth Palace.
The Church of England’s official stance on Freemasonry was set out in the June 1987 York General Synod meeting, which held Christianity and Freemasonry were not compatible. Despite outright condemnation of Church and Freemasonry links, they may still hide in plain sight. (See: https://anglican.ink/2015/06/25/freemasonry-and-the-doctrine-of-the-church-of-england/#google_vignette).
A recent report in the Church Times referred to the “three unnamed retired police officers” who criticise Keith Makin’s report, and said he was wrong, are currently or have recently served with the Church of England’s safeguarding work.
One of the three could be Tony Clarke, a former policeman who has worked at Lambeth Palace in safeguarding for many, many years, and is known to have worked very closely with Winckworth Sherwood and Luther Pendragon in the weaponization of safeguarding against individuals that Lambeth Palace had taken against. Kate Wood also worked for the police, has worked for safeguarding in the Church of England, and is known to have form in the same field. Richard Woodley (ex-Oxford DSA) was a former policeman, and a doughty defender of forged risk assessments. Many DSAs are. So Lambeth Palace seems to be planting misleading and laundering media stories again. (https://www.churchtimes.co.uk/articles/2024/29-november/news/uk/makin-was-wrong-retired-senior-police-officers-say).
Because there is no Register or Conflicts of Interest policy accessible to General Synod members, we can only guess at the freemasonry links. We accuse nobody of anything untoward here. It is true – and in the public domain – that bishops have recently been called out on their freemasonry.
It is in the public domain that current and former police officers are linked to Freemasonry. Some of them might work for the Church now. This raises important questions about the potential for abuses. But what are our concerns here? We have several for noting.
First, we know there are some clergy who are or were openly UGLE members. Some have gone on to high office, but what is perhaps more interesting is those who once worked for them. For example, one recent holder of a ‘top five’ bishopric (i.e., Canterbury, York, London, Durham and Winchester) worked under a well-known Freemason clergyman, and the curate’s subsequent career path looks unnaturally smooth and fast in the light of this. A case of concealment? We cannot know.
Second, there is no single type of clergyperson who is a Freemason. Some are High Church; some are Conservative or Charismatic Evangelicals too. Liberal and Broad Church clergy are also represented in membership. Furthermore, there are Lodges for women, though these are far fewer. How would the question be asked, let alone answered, on the numbers of female or male or freemasons amongst the laity or the clergy?
Third, one has to look carefully at the circumstantial evidence. There can be little doubt that some of the lawyers in Nobody’s Friends are Freemasons. But when a bishop is promoted from one diocese to another, and has a couple of awkward ongoing CDMs against them in progress, yet Teflon-coated-like, gets effortlessly transferred, one might ask if the playing field was ever level and open at this point? (Some survivors, incidentally, believe they know the identity of one of the most senior Freemasons in England, a serving diocesan bishop. We obviously can’t comment further, but a Register of Interests might clear the air).
Fourth, Winckworth Sherwood’s Oxford HQ was close to Apollo Lodge No. No. 357, founded in 1818—the University of Oxford Masonic Lodge. This might be an unfortunate coincidence. The Lodge now meets at the Randolph Hotel, near where the Lodge was. Nobody would ever suspect anything wrong with a black-tie dinner filled with ecclesiastical lawyers. Maybe there is nothing in this at all. However, a Register and Conflicts of Interest policy would help clear doubts.
Fifth, CDM proceedings surely need far greater external regulation and scrutiny, as they sometimes seem to come out with peculiar, if not outrightly perverse judgments. For example, how was Canon Hindley (Blackburn Cathedral) able to escape the possible justice of a CDM over the years when faced with an allegation of “non-consensual sex” (i.e., statutory rape?) with a young man. This disconcerting decision was reached because Sir Mark Hedley, Deputy President of Tribunals, could not be sure if Hindley’s alleged victim was underage at the time.
According to a BBC report, Hedley stated that while “he thought that it could be proved the case involved non-consensual sex, he could not be sure if the alleged victim was 17 or 18 at the time, so the case could not go forward to a tribunal.” Sir Mark Hedley is a member of Nobody’s Friends according to our full and most recent list from 2020.
Sixth, at the same time, we have witnessed clergy who deliberately weaponized safeguarding allegations – even going so far as to forge safeguarding risk assessments – commended in CDM judgments for their “professionalism”, yet also conceding that the evidence for forgery formed no part of their CDM vindication. Such judgment was reached by Lyndsey de Mestre KC (Stephen Cottrell’s Chancellor in York). Her legal expertise lies in property. Cottrell, as he did with the ISB in 2023, has consistently obfuscated and misled General Synod in the case of these forged risk assessments. Perhaps de Mestre’s judgment and Cottrell’s public position s just another unhappy safeguarding coincidence?
Seventh, and finally, the Revd. T. C. Hammond (1877-1961), the erstwhile doyen of Conservative Evangelicalism, author of the infamous In Understanding Be Men (1936, and required reading for the boys at Iwerne Camps), was an Anglo-Irish clergyman, who, in large part formed modern-day Sydney Anglicanism. Hammond was the Principal of Moore Theological College. He was also a senior freemason and Grand Master of the Orange Institution of New South Wales. The charitable institutions he established for orphans and unmarried mothers remain under investigation by Australian authorities. (Naturally, Sydney Anglicans would rather you did not raise such matters).
In conclusion, it would be helpful to know if any currently serving members of the Archbishops’ Council, Lambeth Palace and Church House staff, senior members of committees, Deans, Bishops and others with hugely significant influence behind the scenes are, or have ever been, members, associated with or beneficiaries of UGLE. We certainly think this question should especially be asked of all the legal officers and law firms engaged by the Church of England and those advising in other spheres.
We don’t think this is an unreasonable request for members of the General Synod to press. But we also believe that the supine members of General Synod will continue to be stymied on Registers and Conflicts of Interest policies by the wigs and gowns on theatrical display at Synod meetings, and those who sit behind them, pulling the strings and rigging the agenda. As we say, this is purely the theatre of autocracy and not democracy at all. That raises fundamental questions over secrets, lies, coverups, and probable corruption in the Church of England.
Some readers may feel this article has gone down a rather deep rabbit hole. So, perhaps we can remind readers that freemasonry was explicitly referenced in IICSA proceedings concerning the criminal abuses perpetrated by Bishop Peter Ball. Readers might also want to ask how many of IICSA’s recommendations have been implemented by the Church of England since 2018?
The answer: none. That is despite William Nye assuring IICSA of the good intent of the Archbishops’ Council. The same answer, none, applies to the Jay, Wilkinson, Glasgow and Makin reports. Sadly, you cannot trust any assurances offered by the Secretary-General. Not one word of them.
To make matters worse, victims who repeatedly complain about abuses and injustice continue to receive ‘cease and desist’ letters from expensive London lawyers funded and authorised by Archbishops’ Council. Others have the police set on to them with threats of arrest for harassment.
Finally, we did forward these allegations to senior safeguarding personnel and the Archbishops’ Council several weeks ago. Their response? Nothing much to begin with. But when the letter eventually got a reply, it was acknowledged, that “the wider concerns you raise about Freemasonry, conflicts of interest, [and] Nobody’s Friends Dining Club are largely shared by us.”
Did these individuals want to raise any concerns about forged risk assessments in CDM legal proceedings? Of course not. Let secrets and lies prevail. Truth and justice are far too costly.
However, the reply did promise a Private Members Motion (PMM) at the next meeting of the General Synod that will seek
“to make membership of the Freemasons declarable…and [we will] write to Lambeth Palace asking that Nobody’s Friends (and indeed any similar private clubs with non-transparent membership) should no longer be permitted to meet there and will keep pressing Bishops to decline invitations to join.”
Bishops will resist this. So, will the senior ecclesiocrats at Lambeth Palace. So, watch this space.
Only a Royal Commission can now resolve this debacle. There is no trust or confidence in the Bishops and their advisers. Meanwhile, unregulated, unaccountable, unlicensed, and above the law, the hierarchy of the Church of England will not answer to you or anyone else. It is plagued with corruption. Behold Your Church: a wholly unsafe place, that does as it pleases to you or anyone else, regardless of the harm and trauma caused. It will continue so long as such people remain in power.
All very fine! BUT-and it’s a very big but-what we are missing within Anglicanism is respect for existing rules or core principles of law, as expressed in legals codes, Church rules, the Bible. Can waxing lyrical on conspiracy theories, paradoxically and inadvertently, facilitate the hiding of savagery?
A principle expressed in Deuteronomy, and repeated throughout the whole of our Bible, emphasises letting the witness evidence of-‘2 or 3’-speak for itself. What exactly underlies the blasphemous betrayal of natural justice with Anglicanism should not concern us excessively, apart from where conflict of interest is glaringly present. The betrayal is what really matters!
I reported evidence of violent student abuse to an Irish Archbishop (Richard Clarke). Neither Richard Clarke, nor his replacement (John McDowell) have ever fixed any formal inquiry into my witness evidence about the acute mental collapse of a fellow New Wine student after a meeting with a New Wine tutor.
The student was witnessed in tears following a meeting with a New Wine employee. He was observed in my living room by a teacher, a professor and me (a medic). His mental state was akin to survivors of assassination attempt I saw in A &E as a trainee. He claimed to have felt falsely accused of adultery in crude language: “Any of us might fancy a change of breasts”.
Church of Ireland Archbishops and Bishops have failed to protect innocent ministry trainees. They passed my complaint to the leader of New Wine (Archdeacon David McClay). This felt like ‘conflict of interest’ being totally ignored. David McClay seemed to have little or no grasp of national law, Anglican Church rules or biblical principles of natural justice. He appeared dismissive of our concern. Why ignore a teacher-medic-professor-businessman with a credible witness testimony?
Several weeks after the shaking student had cried in my living room, I was summoned to a meeting with the same New Wine representative referenced above, and felt accused of sexual misconduct in foul language. I am in a longstanding celibate partnership. My partner has psoriatic arthritis and is latterly on systemic treatment. I felt almost reduced to tears, in spite of years working as a GP and at a mental health clinic medic.
My partner and I felt risk of pregnancy was best avoided, so have opted for a longer term celibate relationship. New Wine and the Anglican Church in Ireland insulted us. I was effectively evicted from Church ministry for ‘living in sin’ and told my presence would ‘defile a pulpit’. We felt obliged to leave a local parish in disgrace. We were not given a fair opportunity to explain our circumstances.
A more senior Church leader (mercifully!) got wind of the New Wine student abuse being concealed and left unaddressed by New Wine or the Church. They advised the four victims (who all felt unfairly accused of sexual misconduct in crude language) to leave the local Anglican Diocese. The senior minister expressed concern about wanton disregard for national law and Church rules. They were aghast at the failure of senior Anglican clergy to intervene and to protect innocent men and women.
Concern has been expressed locally about the disappearance of yet another former New Wine student locally. They appear in a characteristically gushing film about revival in a local parish. An ‘Olive Tree Media’ YouTube film of 12 mins posted online 30 Jan 2022 is entitled: Karl Faase interviews Joe Turner for Jesus the Game Changer Season 2′
Yet the former student has mysteriously vanished from the St Brendan’s parish website and Facebook pages. Should David McClay (now Bishop of Down and Dromore) be the subject of an independent inquiry, regarding the disappearance of so many former New Wine students?
Bishop McClay is a member of the GAFCON group and interested in a schism from mainstream Anglicanism. It might be excellent for David McClay himself to leave the Anglican Church at the first opportunity. He seems to have pretty minimal respect for national law, Anglican Church rules or biblical principles of natural justice.
The film by Olive Tree Media has quite an alarming opening. There is a painting of hooded men with weapons in the opening scene! Is this a reflection on the type of legacy David McClay wishes to leave the Anglican Church?
My partner (a professor) and I have no regrets about leaving the Diocese of Down and Dromore. Kangaroo Court justice reigns when leaders like David McClay ignore national anti-discrimination law, Anglican Church rules and biblical principles of natural justice.
Has Bishop McClay got hands wet with the blood, sweat or tears of innocent abuse victims? His conduct in regard to the Canon W G Neely scandal is of interest. Why has he declined to formally name Canon W G Neely as a serial 1970’s child abuser?
The local Diocese almost succeeded in hiding the abuse by Neely for 50 years. But the media and legal proceedings have exposed it. Yet even now does David McClay still fail to own up to Diocesan abuse cover up, and to name the late Canon W G Neely?
“Fraudulent risk assessments”? Words fail me. I don’t know why I’m so gobsmacked.
English Athena is right to be gobsmacked. Stephen Cottrell has been sitting on this case for years, covering it up with William Nye. The forged risk assessments were written by senior church officers, helped by others, who were also party to the falsified allegations. These were used in CDM proceedings too, which amounts to perverting the course of justice, which is a criminal offence. The forgeries all formed part of a campaign in the weaponisation of safeguarding with deliberate intent to cause personal, financial and reputational harm to an individual.
The Archbishop has been in possession of the relevant evidence for four years. But all he will do is support an internal review run by individuals with very close connections to the perpetrators of the forgeries. So Cottrell remains fully invested in covering up this abuse, ongoing deception, and trying to salvage what little remains of the CofEs reputation and integrity in safeguarding. Nobody can trust him.
Perjury, faking evidence, perverting the course of justice and forging evidence are very serious criminal matters. Cottrell wants to cover it all up. Or, rig some sham review that will conclude “nothing to see here”. He is not a fit person to lead the CofE, even for a brief period. His duplicity and dishonesty exemplifies the problem the CofE now finds itself in. It will never recover trust, integrity, identity and even some modicum of confidence until leaders like this, of such shockingly low calibre and lacking in any ethical leadership, are removed. Until then, the CofEs continued decline and fall is the only direction of travel.
Yes! Is 2 Cor 13:1 is at work? Ignoring witnesses-and/or secretive NDA deals-comes at a price. It used to be the heads of victims-witnesses-whistleblowers when DARVO was at work. Now it’s Bishops-Archbishops who get the chop. I wonder if SC has already fixed up an appointment for his own ‘hara-kiri’ when the time is right. Even in disgrace our leaders like to ignore victim requests for them to go ASAP.
I remember ‘In Understanding be Men’ on our CU bookstall at college in the 1970s, but must admit I never read it. Can’t say I’m sorry.
Just lately I find I’m having grave doubts about the sovereignty of God as a practical, working principle. Are you saying (favourite con/evan cliché coming up) that God is ultimately in control of all this lot, and responsible for it? Yet does nothing about it?
I find it very difficult to believe that a church so riddled with corruption is remotely honouring to God – or is it me who’s at fault, for actually having spent most of my life believing the idealised principles trumpeted in so much evangelical literature, and trying to live by them?
Is it any wonder that I, as a believing Christian, and so many millions of my unbelieving fellow countrymen, have neither patience or respect for the organised church?
Bewildering! Your sentiments are familiar ones. ‘Anglican Anabaptists’ are a growing group. I grew up in a culture where theism dominated, and the atheist-agnostic (me as a teenager or student) was the outsider. Things seem to be flipped entirely on their head over the last couple of decades, even in the rural or conservative corners of the UK. But might this ultimately strengthen evangelism? A narrower focus on the classic Chesterton-Lewis points, and how One Solitary Life fulfils Isaiah 53, could now actually make evangelism easier. Conscience-Creation-Christ underlie the Apostle’s Creed, and no amount of bullying or Bible thumping (by John Smyth QC or Canon Mike Pilavachi MBE) changes this. I have never ceased to be amazed at how fair a hearing many atheists give the believer. But people within the institutional Church can sometimes be entirely different. The rudest rebuttals I have ever received, often were from nominal Church attached people (‘sit in a Sunday pew, pay up and shut up’). One said it was offensive to call them a sinner: ‘I am a good person’. Maybe a scaled down Anglican Church could be an improvement?
One subsequent thought occurred to me after my previous comment with regard to Anon’s piece. I don’t know Mr Nye, save via comments on here and on ‘Thinking Anglicans’, and get a vague feeling that a number of people don’t like him very much. Trying to be even handed, I don’t know Anon either, and (s)he’s made some pretty serious allegations about the church hierarchy which I haven’t any real way of verifying.
The same goes for Mr N and the Archbishop’s Council – they don’t appear to attempt to defend themselves or offer explanations, so how can I really know their views? Although Anon confirms and strengthens my personal suspicions, that doesn’t constitute evidence which will stand up in court.
Does anyone else recall the New Tribes Mission, who specialised in taking the gospel to remote jungle people in Papua and Latin America? A particular journalist found out that they would never, as a matter of Christian policy, defend themselves against criticism or libel and, knowing he was safe, published a great many stories accusing them of some pretty monstrous cruelty. Have the ACC, the General Secretary and Nobodies Friends made the same mistake?
Sling enough mud, as any politician knows, and some of it is going to stick. The allegations of forged risk assessments itself is pretty serious – indeed criminal. In the absence of evidence to the contrary just what are we to believe? (And yes, being a cynical, distrusting little soul, you may gather which way my instincts naturally lean.)
I understand the Government intends making mandatory abuse reporting an integral part of its new children’s act – personally it needs being made mandatory for abuse of anybody, not just children and vulnerable adults.
I can empathise with James and his treatment over New Wine, having experienced something a bit similar myself . So long as the CofE is its own judge, jury and executioner, with no outside oversight, abuse of every sort will continue.
Interesting that you should mention New Tribes Mission. My wife worked in the late 1970s as a teacher in a boarding school for missionaries’ children. This was in Fanda, Senegal, and run jointly by NTM and the British missionary society of which she was a member. The Brits were very much the junior partner and this soon led to tensions over a number of issues including curriculum (even though the British followed a UK syllabus), pledging daily allegiance to the US flag, the treatment of Senegalese employees (an issue which, as John knows, cropped up in several locations around the world) and – crucially – the discipline of children – my wife found the latter extremely distressing. The Brits soon pulled out of the arrangement as it clearly wasn’t working.
Some years later claims were made about harsh discipline and sexual abuse at the school. These were eventually investigated and a damning report was produced in 2010: https://tinyurl.com/27t9942n. My wife was shocked to find that some of the abusers were people she had worked alongside. As the abuse was historic and had taken place outside the USA, no action could be taken against the perpetrators. At least one other NTM school, in the Philippines, was also found to have been affected by abuse. Shocking.
I had a friend who went to work as a missionary with the NTM in Papua, back in the 1980s. Someone in the Baptist church I then attended showed me one of the scurrilous articles I mentioned, worried for my friend. (and, possibly about my connection with them.) So I phoned the editorial office of Renewal Magazine (Edward English / England was then the editor) to see what they knew. Edward himself took the call and told me the background.
I’d not heard anything about them since then, but the story came back to mind in the light of ‘Anon’s article – I’ve learned over the years to be very careful about not believing everything I’m told, or taking things at face value. (Youtube on Donald Trump is an excellent place of education) and it seemed to fit the context!
Talking of sanctified child abuse, that particular church had a strong ‘Restoration’ contingent in the congregation. I was a youth group leader and was told by one father that I should let him know if his son misbehaved, and he would beat him for it. Strangely, I never did….. but how often did / does this still go on as being accepted practice within that kind of church circle? Doctrines about the sovereignty of God in such groups generally don’t leave much room for respect for human rights!
Hmm … As you’ll see from my comment above (and from well-documented stuff that’s been on TV), a lot of the “scurrilous comments” about New Tribes were in fact true. Which, I agree, doesn’t mean that we uncritically believe everything we hear, whether denied or not.
Being innocent, I used to believe everything I read in the evangelical church press, (having repeatedly been told they could be trusted to tell the truth) and in this case got it straight from the horse’s mouth.
I’ve heard nothing about NTM since that day – but Renewal under Mr England did a big spread on a particular anti-gay ‘healing mission’. It subsequently foundered following a ‘female sexual molestation during ministry’ scandal of its own – which strangely enough, never got mentioned in the magazine. You do get rather cynical eventually….