by a supporter friend of ‘Kenneth’
Back in December I (SP) outlined the story of ‘Kenneth’ who was facing a CDM process for an alleged offence against a child. The following piece is a follow-up by a friend supporter of Kenneth to that story and it vividly explores the Kafkaesque world that anyone accused of anything in the Safeguarding arena may have to endure. The chief sticking point, as far as I can see, is that there is no mechanism for establishing the veracity or otherwise of an accusation. An accusation of misconduct remains and no one is allowed to question what has been alleged. From the last account we learned at least two facts that called for further investigation. First the account given by the ‘victim’ has changed more than once. Secondly no attempt has been to question the child alone, using a skilled interviewer like a specially trained social worker. He is now 16 years old. There are in fact a number of queries in the story that require skilled expertise not present in the existing core group. Justice needs to be seen to pursued with professionalism and exemplary care, if Kenneth is to receive a proper opportunity to defend his claim that this incident never happened.
This is the continuing true story of my dear friend Kenneth of some fifty-six years mentioned in a previous blog of December 13th 2020 by Stephen Parsons. I am merely continuing the saga, updating on more recent events. We have all been advised to keep his identity confidential, which in Diocesan Safeguarding Core Group terms means ‘secret’. It is ironic that a blog which intends to expose untruths should begin with one. Neither must we write anything which might identify any other person. So, with these restrictions I shall endeavour to expose a continuing cruel and merciless system which is destroying the life of this Kenneth.
You will have read the basics of the case in the previous blog and might find it difficult to believe it could get worse. To remind you, Kenneth has been a member of the congregation of his church for sixty years and has had clean DBS checks throughout that time and yet in one short telephone conversation his whole life and raison d’etre were destroyed with no explanation. An allegation was made against him by a chorister of sexual touching, which he denied. There was no evidence and, over a twenty month period, only continuing contradictory stories from the boy.
In this report the years have been highlighted to avoid confusion.
High Risk
On October 4th 2021 on the grounds that the boy had not withdrawn his allegation Kenneth was declared to be ‘High Risk’. No explanation was given as to how this decision was reached between the Detective Constable saying in March 2020, “As the matter was quite low level I submitted it for no further action’, to the Core Group saying in October 2021, he is ‘high risk’, that decision having been reached without any investigation or evidence. Eventually, after a ten week wait the consequences of the October 4th 2021 meeting were not discussed until December 14th 2021.
Subsequent Risk Assessment
The same Risk Assessment made December 16th 2020 was used as the conclusion to the process on December 14th 2021 with no cognisance being taken of events throughout 2021 which were of further and different accusations by the boy, denials and evidence against these by Kenneth nor the findings of the Independent Review.
So, loyal as ever to the boy, at a meeting on October 4th 2021, Kenneth was told that since the boy refused to withdraw the allegation, he was now described as ‘high risk’. There had been no investigation or scrutiny of evidence and no explanation of this decision beyond its being the accusation by the boy.
Stephen Parsons spoke in his blog of the Core Group’s insistence that their role is not to seek the truth but to believe the child. Yes indeed because Kenneth was told on July 2020 by the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, ‘Our focus is in responding to allegations not to focus upon finding out the truth” because,‘ We have to follow the House of Bishops ruling on safeguarding’.
On June 15th 2021, almost a year later, we asked all members of the Safeguarding Group: ‘Does the House of Bishops really say the truth must be avoided even if it means supporting lies in order to pretend to believe the complainant? There was no response.
Although we have many times asked for the document, section and paragraph to substantiate the actions and decisions by the Core Group there has never been an answer.
The Core Group have always claimed it was not their role to investigate but despite nine formal requests as to whose role it was, they never answered that question either. Instead they constantly refer to their following the ‘House of Bishops ruling’. It is not clear (although they have been asked), whether they are referring to ‘The House of Bishops Procedures’ (which is for ordained clergy and Kenneth is a lay person, although initially the DSA did not know this), or The Parish Safeguarding Manual’, but in either case we challenge that any rules at all have been followed. In other words they seem to have ‘made it up as they went along’.
House of Bishops Procedures (Published by the House of Bishops October 2017)
If the document ‘House of Bishops Procedures for Safeguarding 2017‘has been used then there are altogether fifteen procedures relating to respondents and five general procedures which were not followed in this case. Throughout October and November 2021 this information was given to the Core Group by myself, but again, it was never responded to.
Truth/ Untruth
In the previous blog from Stephen Parsons you will have read that there were discrepancies over dates and details; indeed there were only three dates in the time span given by the boy when he and Kenneth might have been in the vestry at the same time. The choral registers could have shown this and might have exonerated Kenneth. This information was refused by a senior safeguarding office and an official complaint was made about her at the time. Subsequent complaints were made about this to individual members of the Core Group and officials in the parish, naming the officer concerned in connection with her refusal to give information from the registers.
At the meeting on October 4th 2021 almost exactly a year after the official complaint about the secrecy of the registers, the Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Officer said the decision to withhold substantial evidence of the registers in this way was a Core Group decision and not that of the individual officer. This is not the case because Kenneth and myself have an email from the safeguarding officer on this issue which shows clearly that it was she personally who had refused to give the information from the registers.
Indeed throughout all our complaints about this no mention was ever made about its being a Core Group decision.
January 2022
It is interesting to note that from March 2020 when the allegation was first made until present six people directly involved with the case have left the church concerned, including within the last few months, the boy and his mother.
As I am writing this, January 2022, the Diocesan Safeguarding Core Group is, I believe, drafting a Safeguarding Agreement trying not imply any culpability or guilt as otherwise Kenneth will not sign it because he says he is not guilty. The discussion about this so called agreement is to take place on January 12th 2022 and I shall keep you updated. In the meantime we leave the safeguarding officer wondering who else to blame for her refusal to divulge the information in the registers.
We heartily endorse Stephen Parsons plea that, ‘Assuming the CDM revision is going to apply to cases involving laity, the reforms cannot come soon enough’.